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How I Discovered Newsletterism

In late 2021, when I began my tenure as an undergraduate, I held lofty ambitions for my postgraduate career. However, I found myself with little guidance on information consumption or professional development. Back then, my approach to staying informed was haphazard. I consumed news sporadically, with no consistent sources or themes, often leaving me with information that had little purpose or impact on my career aspirations.

My mornings were frequently consumed by futile searches for "interesting" articles, with only a fraction of my time dedicated to actually reading them. These articles, prominently displayed on news websites, are designed to entice readers with sensational stories that often lack substantive value.

However, one evening, a turning point arrived in the form of advice from Ken. Together, we delved into my areas of interest and their relevance to my professional aspirations. We devised a structured approach to curating a morning newsletter regimen tailored to my goals. The next day, I embraced this new routine, reading only the newsletters that most optimally utilized the one hour I had allocated for news consumption. Fast forward two years, and I'm still following this approach, reaping remarkable benefits in my academic and professional life. Here's what I've learned:

  • As I immerse myself in various newsletters, familiarizing myself with industry-specific terminology, data points, and long-term trends, I find myself able to connect the dots between multiple headlines and viewpoints, identifying emerging trends within a given industry and predicting their trajectories more accurately.

  • Many of the newsletters I subscribe to, many of which are recommended by AMIQ, delve into stories and personalities frequently discussed by decision-makers in politics, business, economics, and beyond. Being well-versed in these narratives and having the ability to engage with influential individuals on these topics has proven to be an invaluable and unique way to advance one's career prospects and establish meaningful connections.

  • In today's information-saturated world, the skill of discerning relevant data points is paramount. After years of consistent newsletter consumption on diverse topics, enriched with functional data from various industries, I've become adept at dissecting articles. In academic and professional settings, I can now identify essential information, recognize its interconnections with other stories, and convey comprehensive yet concise briefings to decision-makers without extraneous details.

Newsletterism has left an indelible mark on my academic and professional journey, opening doors I never anticipated during my college years. I wholeheartedly recommend embracing the principles of Newsletterism to unlock your potential, whether you're a current or aspiring decision-maker.

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