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Curating news 'diets' for the professionals that need to know.

AMIQ aggregates and combines "news diet" of email newsletters from trusted sources. Our morning briefs gives you the knowledge you need to be consistently informed about niche markets, policy, and global news.

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Why Newsletters?

Newsletters serve as a valuable method by which you may increase your familiarity with both day-to-day events and broader trends. Through repeated exposure to the stories, terminologies, and individuals that shape an industry, your overall familiarity with and ability to analyze events improves.

Be Consistent:
Consume Data Like AI

AI models are only as good as the data they train on. Regular and structured informational consumption turns news from a chore to a competitive edge. Consume information like an AI, not from one.

Be Informed:
Don't Be the Product

News is less trustworthy because media outlets profit from ads that are designed to keep you angry and on their page longer. Professional newsletters are valued by the size and quality of their audience - incentivizing higher quality. 

Be Efficient:
Leverage Professional Curators

Despite having more information at our fingertips than ever before, we're drowning in data. Leveraging experienced curation makes tracking key trends more manageable and saves critical time, focus, and energy.  

Be Prepared:
Read What the Experts Do

Reading the same sources and stories that decisions makers use to stay informed means you can learn how to think, talk and read like the people in positions you want to hold. 

By and For 
Decision Makers

(Present and Future)

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